Description: Perennial subshrubs with prostrate or weakly ascending stems.
Leaves simple, fleshy, entire, glabrous or with bifid hairs.
Flowers axillary, solitary; bracteoles absent. Calyx tubular-campanulate with 5, rarely 6, teeth, bearded inside. Corolla trumpet-shaped with 5 oblong recurved lobes, with infolded apex and margins, without any mid-petaline band, glabrous. Stamens 5, filaments slightly unequal, glabrous. Ovary partly or completely 2-locular with 1 ovule per loculus, glabrous; style 1, bifid with capitate or ovoid stigmas.
Capsule obovoid, indehiscent, 1- or 2-seeded.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 3 species, endemic Australia. Australia: all States except Qld & N.T.
Text by R. W. Johnson Taxon concept:
| Key to the species | |
1 | Corolla tube much longer than the calyx; plants more or less glabrous | Wilsonia backhousei |
| Corolla tube about as long as the calyx; plants hairy | Wilsonia rotundifolia |