Leaves whorled with 3–5 leaves per node.
Inflorescence raceme-like on leaf branches; part inflorescences 1-flowered. Calyx 5-lobed. Corolla 5-lobed, distinctly 2-lipped; lower median lobe directed outwards and forward to recurved; lateral lobes spreading; upper median lobe-pair directed outwards. Stamens 2, inserted on upper side of corolla mouth; anthers basifixed, 1-locular; staminodes 2, inserted on lower side of corolla mouth; sterile anther lobes white. Ovary 4-lobed; style terminal; stigma shortly bifid.
Mericarps 4.
| Key to the species | |
1 | Bracteoles 3–5.5 mm long | 2 |
| Bracteoles ± 2 mm long | 5 |
2 | Hairs of branches, petiole and lower leaf surface more or less spreading and tangled | Westringia davidii |
| Hairs appressed and antrorse Back to 1 | 3 |
3 | Leaves elliptic to more or less obovate; lamina 5–8 mm long | Westringia species A |
| Leaves ovate to lanceolate; lamina 16–60 mm long Back to 2 | 4 |
4 | Leaves with apex long-tapering; lamina 20–60 mm long; calyx lobes 0.9–1.4 times length of tube | Westringia blakeana |
| Leaves with apex obtuse to acute, usually shortly apiculate; lamina 16–25 mm long; calyx lobes 1.6–1.8 times length of tube Back to 3 | Westringia amabilis |
5 | Leaves less than 2.5 mm wide | 6 |
| Leaves ± 2.5 mm wide Back to 1 | 10 |
6 | Leaves with margins strongly revolute, often with only midrib visible | 7 |
| Leaves with margins more or less flat to recurved, most of lower surface visible Back to 5 | 9 |
7 | Leaves sessile, usually suberect (sometimes spreading to recurved), rigid; shrub intricate or divaricate; calyx lobes usually 0.4–0.5 times length of tube | Westringia rigida |
| Leaves with petiole 0.3–2 mm long, spreading to recurved; lamina soft; shrub with suberect to spreading branches; calyx lobes 0.3–1.7 times times length of tube Back to 6 | 8 |
8 | Petioles 0.5–0.7 mm long; leaves with both surfaces moderately to densely hairy | Westringia eremicola |
| Petioles 1–2 mm long; leaves with lower surface densely hairy and upper surface glabrous or sparsely hairy Back to 7 | Westringia sericea |
9 | Leaves 3–7 mm long, lamina length 2–3.5 times breadth; calyx lobes 0.3–0.4 times length of tube; flowers crowded at end of branches | Westringia cheelii |
| Leaves 9–35 mm long; lamina length 6–18 times breadth; calyx lobes 0.7–1.2 times length of tube; flowers in upper leaf axils, but never crowded Back to 6 | Westringia longifolia |
10 | Leaves with both surfaces glabrous or sparsely to moderately hairy, lower surface never silky | 11 |
| Leaves with lower surface densely hairy, appearing silky; upper surface usually not as densely hairy or glabrous Back to 5 | 12 |
11 | Leaves with lamina broad-oblong to broad-elliptic or more or less circular; length 1.3–1.8 times breadth; calyx lobes 0.3–0.6 times length of tube; shrub of subalpine areas | Westringia lucida |
| Leaves with lamina lanceolate to narrow-elliptic; length 4–5.1 times breadth; calyx lobes 0.7–1 times length of tube; shrub of steep rocky gorges Back to 10 | Westringia glabra |
12 | Leaves mostly in 4-leaved whorls, rarely 3- or 5-leaved; coastal or foreshore shrub | Westringia fruticosa |
| Leaves mostly in 3-leaved whorls, rarely 4- or 5-leaved; shrubs of mountain forests, non-coastal Back to 10 | 13 |
13 | Leaves with lamina length 2.4–4.2 times breadth; lamina 11–23 mm long, slightly revolute; apex acute | Westringia saxatilis |
| Leaves with lamina length 5–13 times breadth; lamina 20–42 mm long, strongly revolute so that apex tending to appear long-tapering Back to 12 | Westringia sericea |