Description: Woody vine with stems up to 35 m long (in cultivation usually reduced by annual prunning from 1–3 m long).
Leaves 5–15 cm long, orbicular, usually palmate 5- to 7-lobed, sometimes entire, irregularly toothed, often hairy below, glabrescent above; base cordate; apex subacute. Tendrils branched, lacking discs.
Inflorescence densely branched (corymbose to panicle-like), with many flowers. Calyx very shortly 5-lobed. Corolla with petals c. 5 mm long, pale green.
Fruit an ellipsoid to globose, succulent berry, green, yellow, red or purplish-black, sweet tasting, usually with up to 2 pyriform seeds.
Flowering: Flowers usually in late Spring to early Summer.
Distribution and occurrence: World: c. 80 species. Vitis vinifera is culivated globally as the commercial grape and rarely naturalised in NSW.
Text by R. L. Barrett, January 2025 Taxon concept: Jackes, Flora of Australian online (2023)
One species in NSW: Vitis vinifera |