Description: Annual or perennial woolly herbs.
Leaves mostly cauline, alternate, oblanceolate to spathulate, acute to obtuse, entire, petiolate or narrowed at the base.
Heads terminal, sessile in woolly clusters with female and bisexual florets [or occasionally bisexual only]; involucral bracts 3–5-seriate, the outermost short and ovate, the inner bracts with papery laminas on woolly claws, widely spreading at maturity; receptacle convex, naked. Florets yellow or tinged-red; outer female, filiform; inner bisexual, tubular. Anthers tailed at the base, and with short terminal appendages.
Achenes terete, papillose or smooth; pappus non-persistent, of coherent or free, barbellate bristles, subplumose with clavate hairs at the tip.
Distribution and occurrence: World: c. 6 species, southern Africa. Australia: 1 species (naturalized).
Text by J. Everett Taxon concept: