Description: Shrubs or small trees; branchlets pale brown or greyish with flaky bark, 3-branched.
Leaves entire, coriaceous, petiolate. Stipules connate.
Inflorescences terminal, trichotomously branched, often several times. Flowers bisexual 4 or 5-merous, middle flower of the triad usually sessile, lateral flowers pedicellate. Calyx turbinate. Corolla funnel shaped. Stamens 4 or 5, anthers introrse. Ovules 2-locular, style slender, as long as corolla tube with 2 erect lobes at the apex.
Fruits globlose, green, turning black when ripe, smooth.
Distribution and occurrence: Endemic to Australia: 3 species.
Text by Louisa Murray Taxon concept: Austrobaileya 7(1): 43(2005) Renolds and Forster, Revision of Tarenna and Triflorensia.