Description: Perennials with short rhizome. Culms tufted, nodeless or noded.
Leaves basal, rarely 1 or 2 cauline, often reduced to sheaths; ligule absent.
Inflorescence small and spike-like to large and much-branched. Spikelets solitary or clustered, sessile or pedicellate, terete or compressed, 1- or 2- (or 3-)flowered, the flowers fertile, or the lowest male or sterile. Rachilla persistent, straight, with very short internodes. Glumes 4–7, ± distichous, 2–4 lower ones empty and shorter, often uppermost 1 or 2 reduced. Hypogynous scales (3–)6, linear to narrow-elliptic, short, flat, whitish or finally orange-brown, not thickened. Stamens 3. Style 3-fid, continuous with ovary, caducous.
Nut obovoid or obpyriform, trigonous, with 3 pale ribs, hispid at apex.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 5 species, Australia, Malesia. Australia: 5 species (3 species endemic), all States.
Text by K. L. Wilson Taxon concept: