Description: Annual herbs; stem simple or branching, ascending to erect, glabrous or tomentose.
Leaves mostly alternate, sessile, margins entire, ± mucronate, uppermost ones with hyaline apex. Compound head terminal, single, depressed-ovoid to globose; general involucre ± inconspicuous, about a third to half the length of head, outer leaf-like, inner ± hyaline; general receptacle flat to convex, glabrous or with long bristles; partial heads 8–250, each with 1 floret, bracts 4–7, 1- or 2-seriate, flat to conduplicate, outer densely hairy at apex of midrib, united by tangled hairs, inner glabrous or sparsely hairy at apex of ± indistinct midrib. Corollas tubular, 5-toothed, yellow. Anthers with apical appendage. Style branches truncate, with short sweeping hairs.
Achenes obovoid, ± flattened; pappus an entire truncate cup or a laciniate ring or cup.
Distribution and occurrence: World: c. 4 species, endemic Australia. Australia: all mainland states.
Text by E. A. Brown Taxon concept: