Description: Woody climber, some species ± deciduous.
Leaves palmately veined, lamina broad-ovate to triangular, the base usually cordate to hastate, juvenile leaves often lanceolate-oblong and hastate at the base; reticulum prominent on both surfaces.
Inflorescence thyrsoid, sometimes appearing when plant is leafless. Sepals mostly 6, outer 3 smaller and ± membranous; petals mostly 6, fleshy. Male flowers with 6 stamens. Female flowers with 6 staminodes, 3 carpels, stigma reflexed with short pointed lobes.
Drupes 3, borne on a common stalk.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 32 species, tropical Africa, Madagascar, Asia, Pacific islands. Australia: 3 species (endemic), Qld, N.S.W., N.T., W.A.
Text by G. J. Harden Taxon concept:
| Key to the species | |
1 | Leaves with domatia appearing as glandular patches in basal vein axils on lower surface; venation obvious on both surfaces but not raised; stems more or less succulent | Tinospora smilacina |
| Leaves without domatia in basal vein axils; venation on both surfaces coarse and prominently raised; stems woody | Tinospora tinosporoides |