Description: Perennial, branched herbs, epiphytic or (not in Australia) terrestrial. Roots fibrous or absent.
Leaves distichous or (not in Australia) fascicled or alternate, linear-filiform or (not in Australia) lanceolate to sword-shaped, entire.
Inflorescences terminal, scapose or almost sessile, bracteate, simple or (not in Australia) branched. Flowers solitary to numerous; sepals free or shortly connate, acute, symmetric; petals free, erect, lacking basal scales, green or (not in Australia) blue, red, yellow, pink or white; stamens free, included or (not in Australia) exserted, introrse, basifixed; style filiform, included or (not in Australia) exserted; ovary superior.
Fruit a septicidal capsule, Seeds numerous, small, brown; appendage large.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 649 species, native to Tropical & Subtropical America. Australia: 1 species, N.S.W. (naturalised), Qld. (doubtfully naturalised).
Text by Kerry Gibbons, adapted from J.G.Conran 14 Apr. 2023. Taxon concept: APG IV, Flora of Australia, [accessed: 11 April 2023]. Distribution and occurrence: POWO; APC [both accessed 14 Apr. 2023].
One species in NSW: Tillandsia usneoides |