Description: Annual or perennial, semi-aquatic herbs, not rhizomatous.
Leaves semi-succulent, ovate to ellipticoblanceolate, 2–6 mm, hyphodromous (1-nerved), sessile to subsessile, often cordate, distinctly glandular-punctate, margins entire.
Flowers single, axillary in sporadic nodes, subsessile to pedicellate. Fruiting pedicels short to long. Calyc Corollas blue-purple, with a white and yellow palate; tube-throats funnelform, mouth closed by palate. Stamens 4; anthers 2-celled. Ovaries 2-locular; stigma bilamellate.
Fruits loculicidally dehiscent, thick-walled capsules. seed surface with thick ribs.
Distribution and occurrence: World; 1 species. Australia and New Zealand
One species in NSW: Thyridia repens |