Description: Perennial herbs with rhizomes, aromatic.
Leaves alternate, cauline, pinnatisect.
Heads pedunculate, terminal, solitary or in corymbs; heads ovoid to hemispherical; involucral bracts 3-seriate, imbricate, herbaceous to scarious; receptacle convex, scales absent. Outer florets 1-seriate, female, tubular with 3-toothed corolla or ligulate. Disc florets tubular, bisexual, fertile, 5-toothed, corolla glandular. Anthers obtuse at base, apical appendages ovate. Style branches linear, curved in outer florets; apices papillose, truncate.
Achenes compressed, symmetrical, ribbed; pappus of scales fused into membranous crown or absent.
Distribution and occurrence: World: c. 70 species, Europe & Asia. Australia: at least 2 species (naturalized), N.S.W., Vic., Tas., S.A., W.A.
Text by E. A. Brown Taxon concept:
| Key to the species | |
1 | Heads with ligulate ray florets; leaves pinnate | Tanacetum parthenium |
| Heads with tubular ray florets; leaves pinnatisect | Tanacetum vulgare |