Flowers in a raceme, usually branched. Sepals saccate, dimorphic. Petals clawed, drawn out into long narrow apex.
Silicula dehiscent, not beaked, circular in cross section or flattened parallel with septum; seeds 4–20 per loculus, in 2 rows.
| Key to the species | |
1 | Silicula more or less globose to obovoid | 2 |
| Silicula linear to terete | Stenopetalum lineare |
2 | Pedicel horizontal to recurved | 3 |
| Pedicels erect to spreading Back to 1 | Stenopetalum velutinum |
3 | Silicula more or less globose, 3–5 mm long, slightly emarginate; pedicel generally horizontal, usually 3–8 mm long | Stenopetalum sphaerocarpum |
| Silicula obovoid, generally 8–10 mm long, slightly compressed; pedicel mostly recurved, 8–15 mm long Back to 2 | Stenopetalum nutans |