Description: Tufted perennial herbs; roots fibrous.
Leaves crowded, radical, linear to filiform; margins scariously winged at base, the wings often fused apically as ligule.
Inflorescence simple or few-branched umbellate clusters; scape ± robust; pedicels bracteate; inner bracts fimbriate. Tepals ± free, 1-veined, papery, persistent. Stamens 3; anthers free except for abbreviated connective, latrorse, introrse or extrorse, dehiscing by longitudinal slits; staminodes 3 [or absent]. Ovules 0–4 per loculus; style filiform; stigma minute.
Fruit a capsule, ± 3-lobed, shorter than perianth; seeds irregularly angular to semi-ellipsoidal, finely warty, brown to black, dull.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 5 species, endemic Australia. Australia: all States except S.A.
Sowerbaea has previously been placed in the family Anthericaceae.
Text by S. McCune & D.W. Hardin Taxon concept:
One species in NSW: Sowerbaea juncea |