Description: Rosette forming perennial herbs; rhizome short, vertical; roots fleshy.
Leaves radical, margins toothed.
Heads axillary, solitary on unbranched scapes; involucral bracts imbricate, 2–4-seriate, subequal, herbaceous; receptacle flat or convex, shallowly pitted, naked. Ray florets 3- or 4-seriate, female, ligulate. Disc florets fewer, bisexual, sterile, tubular, mostly 4-toothed. Anthers obtuse at base, terminal appendage acute. Style branches with short subulate appendages, papillose.
Achenes flattened, ± obovate, beak minute or absent, smooth, non-glandular; pappus absent.
Distribution and occurrence: World: c. 4 species, Australia & Japan. Australia: 3 species (endemic), Qld, N.S.W., Vic., Tas.
Text by E. A. Brown & M. F. Porteners Taxon concept:
| Key to the species | |
1 | Scapes slender; bracts reflexed in fruit | Solenogyne bellioides |
| Scapes robust; bracts not reflexed in fruit | 2 |
2 | Glabrous or sparsely and finely pilose herbs; leaves densely toothed with usually more than 14 teeth per margin, lower surface paler green | Solenogyne dominii |
| Prominently hirsute herbs; leaves sinuate to sparsely toothed with less than 14 teeth per margin, concolorous Back to 1 | Solenogyne gunnii |