Synonyms: Selago APNI* Manettia APNI*
Description: Shrubs or subshrubs, usually much-branched or sometimes annual herbs.
Leaves alternate or the lower opposite, sometimes clustered, margins mostly entire or toothed.
Inflorescence terminal, spicate, capitate or paniculate, sometimes forming corymbs; flowers ± sessile, white, yellow or rose; bracts narrow or broad, slightly longer than calyx. Calyx shortly or deeply 5-lobed. Corolla tube short and broad or elongated, always ± dilated in the throat; limb ± equally 5-lobed or ± 2-lipped with posterior lip 2-lobed and shorter than the anterior 3-lobed lip with the central lobe longest. Stamens 4, didynamous, shortly or much exserted; filaments filiform; staminodes usually absent. Ovary 2-locular; style entire or minutely toothed at apex.
Fruit included in calyx, often separating into 2 mericarps.
Distribution and occurrence: World: c. 110 species, southern & tropical Africa. Australia: 2 species (naturalized), N.S.W.
This genus is often placed in the Globulariaceae.
Text by G. J. Harden Taxon concept:
| Key to the species | |
1 | Flowers in broad more or less corymbose panicles; flowers 2–3 mm long; leaves densely clustered in axils of stem leaves | Selago corymbosa |
| Flowers in elongated panicles; flowers 4–6 mm long; leaves alternate or sparsely clustered | Selago canescens |