Description: Spiny annual to perennial herbs; stems solitary, branched, usually winged.
Leaves pinnatifid, spinose-toothed.
Heads few to numerous, ovoid; involucral bracts several-seriate, outer bracts leaf-like, tipes spinose and grading into the similar spinose, thistle-like, upper leaves; receptacle with ovate non-persistent scales enclosing the achenes; florets all ligulate, yellow. Anther base sagittate. Style branches slender, ± filiform.
Achenes dorsally compressed; pappus absent or of a few rigid hairs.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 3 species, Mediterranean region. Australia: 2 species (naturalized), N.S.W., Qld.
Text by L. Murray Taxon concept:
| Key to the species | |
1 | Wings on stem interrupted, spinose-toothed; without or with slightly thickened margins on stem wings and leaves; pappus a few rigid hairs | Scolymus hispanicus |
| Wings on stem continuous, spinose-toothed; with strongly thickened white margins on stem wings and leaves; pappus absent | Scolymus maculatus |