Description: Prostrate to tall shrubs; glabrous.
Leaves opposite, glabrous but sometimes with ciliate margins; petiole short.
Flowers mostly solitary, usually pedicellate; bracteoles mostly persistent. Sepals erect to slightly spreading persistent. Petals broadly ovate to orbicular, white or pink. Stamens variable in number; always at least one opposite the petals and longer than those opposite the sepals (if present). Ovary 3-locular; style deply inserted in a pit on the ovary summit.
Capsule exserted, with a rounded aex; seeds reniform.
Distribution and occurrence: A genus of 19 species, with 5 diverse sections recognised. Most species occur in the south-west of Western Australia but two species (assigned to sect. Semasperma) extend to South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales.
Only one species, formerly known as Baeckea crassifolia, occurs in New South Wales.
Text by Peter G. Wilson Taxon concept: Rye (2017)
One species in NSW: Rinzia orientalis |