Description: Epilithic herbs, sympodial; roots fleshy.
Leaves scattered along the stem, several per shoot, convolute, petiolate at base of shoot but becoming sessile higher up the stem.
Inflorescence racemose, several-flowered, terminal; flowers resupinate. Dorsal sepal free, much broader and slightly shorter than lateral sepals, hooding the column. Lateral sepals free. Lateral petals free, of similar length but much narrower than dorsal sepal. Labellum free, attached at base of column by a short claw; lamina not lobed, with a few sessile or shortly stalked calli at the base or unornamented. Column lacking free filament and style; column wings completely fused to column, linear. Column foot absent. Anther erect, parallel to the axis of the column, persistent. Pollinia 4, soft and mealy. Stigma entire. Rostellum ventral.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 1 species, endemic Australia. Australia: 1 species, endemic.
Text by P. Bernhardt Taxon concept:
One species in NSW: Rimacola elliptica |