Synonyms: Ricinocarpus APNI*
Description: Monoecious shrubs.
Leaves usually alternate, entire, the margins recurved or revolute; stipules absent. Male flowers solitary or in racemes, terminal or apparently axillary; sepals 4–6, basally fused; petals 4–6, longer than the sepals; glands as many as the petals; stamens numerous, filaments united to form a central column. Female flowers solitary, adjacent to a male flower or surrounded by several male flowers; perianth similar to the male flowers; ovary 3-locular; styles 3, basally united and deeply bifid.
Fruit a capsule; seeds with a caruncle.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 16 species, Australia, New Caledonia. Australia: 15 species (endemic), Qld, N.S.W., Vic., Tas., W.A.
Text by T. A. James & G. J. Harden Taxon concept:
Taxa not yet included in identification key
Ricinocarpos linearifolius
| Key to the species | |
1 | Leaves linear to oblong, margins revolute to the midrib or distinctly recurved, less than 4 cm long, mostly 1–3 mm wide | 2 |
| Leaves lanceolate to more or less oblong, margins slightly recurved, mostly more than 4 cm long and 5–12 mm wide | Ricinocarpos speciosus |
2 | Branches and outer surface of sepals glabrous; leaves glabrous, smooth, petiole to c. 3 mm long; petals 10–15 mm long | Ricinocarpos pinifolius |
| Branches and outer surface of sepals woolly to tomentose; leaves with upper surface sparsely stellate-hairy, becoming more or less scabrous with age, more or less sessile; petals c. 10 mm long Back to 1 | Ricinocarpos bowmanii |