Description: Annual to perennial herbs.
Leaves basal and cauline, alternate, entire to pinnatifid.
Heads campanulate, solitary, terminal, on long peduncles; involucral bracts many-seriate, outer shorter, ovate to lanceolate, acuminate, with scarious margins; receptacle flat, naked, pitted. Florets all ligulate, bisexual, ligule broad-linear, corolla tube hairy above. Anthers sagittate at base, apical appendage short dark and obtuse. Style branches linear, subterete, papillose.
Achenes compressed-cylindrical, with 4 or 5 tuberculate angles, glabrous; pappus in many rows, of simple bristles fused at base.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 10 species, Mediterranean region. Australia: 1 species (naturalized).
Text by L. Murray Taxon concept:
One species in NSW: Reichardia tingitana |