Description: Trees or rarely shrubs, evergreen.
Leaves opposite, pinnately compound, 1–3-pinnate, rachis grooved.
Inflorescences terminal or axillary, thyrse or rarely raceme. Calyx spathe-like or irregularly lobed, rarely truncate. Corolla salverform (tubular with the lobes abruptly spreading, ± at right angles to the tube) or narrow funnel-shaped, slightly bilabiate, lobes rounded. Stamens 4 (or 5), included.
Fruits a linear, terete, smooth capsule; seeds flat with narrow hyaline wing.
Distribution and occurrence: World c. 15 species, mainly tropical SE Asia; Australia, possibly 1 species naturalised.
Text by (compiled) P.G. Kodela, based on E. Fischer et al., Bignoniaceae, in K. Kubitzki (ed.), The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants Vol. 7: 9-38 (2004) Taxon concept: E. Fischer et al. (2004)
One species in NSW: Radermachera sinica |