Description: Slender forest climbers with vertical shoots climbing by adventitious roots and ± horizontal free-growing flowering shoots.
Leaves simple, distichous; lamina entire with reticulate venation; petiole often flattened and photosynthetic [or sheathing].
Inflorescence solitary or rarely clustered, terminal on leafy or much contracted scaly lateral short shoots. Spathe usually ± inconspicuous, reflexed. Spadix sessile to long-stipitate. Flowers bisexual. Tepals 6, free [or united]. Stamens 6. Ovary 3-locular.
Fruit a 1-seeded berry.
Distribution and occurrence: World: c. 50 species, Madagascar to Malesia, Oceania. Australia: 2 species (endemic), Qld & N.S.W.
The genus is of little economic or horticultural importance. However, the generic name is often used erroneously for the ubiquitous houseplant Epipremnum pinnatum (L.) Engl. cv. 'Aureum'.
Text by A. Hay Taxon concept:
One species in NSW: Pothos longipes |