Description: Perennial subshrubs.
Leaves opposite; stipules scarcely fused with the leaf bases.
Inflorescences of usually 2–4 flowers fused at their bases into simple heads, several of these pedicellate into a terminal umbel. Flowers bisexual, 5-merous. Calyx lobes c. 3 per flower. Corolla tube short, lobes 3–5, spurred. Stamens 5 or fewer, inserted at base of corolla tube; filaments long, exserted. Ovary 1-locular, 1 ovule; style filiform, deeply bifid.
Individual fruit a 2-valved capsule united into a compound head, dehiscing by a ± round apical lid.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 1 species, endemic Australia. Australia: all mainland States.
Text by T. A. James Taxon concept:
One species in NSW: Pomax umbellata |