Description: Annual to perennial herbs, stems erect or spreading.
Leaves narrow-linear or rarely ovate, sometimes appearing whorled; stipules small, scarious.
Flowers in terminal cymes; bracts conspicuous, scarious, white, pink, or purple. Sepals 5, entirely scarious or sometimes herbaceous in the centre with scarious edges. Petals 5, entire or toothed. Stamens 5. Style with 3 lobes or teeth.
Capsule 3-valved; seeds subglobose, pale brown except for a dark furrow round the outer edge of the seed.
Distribution and occurrence: World: c. 50 species, Australia, Asia, Africa & South America. Australia: 12 species, Qld, N.S.W., N.T., S.A., W.A.
Text by A. Doust Taxon concept:
Taxa not yet included in identification key
Polycarpaea breviflora
| Key to the species | |
1 | Inflorescence leafy; sepals all white or occasionally yellowish and slightly thickened at base | Polycarpaea arida |
| Inflorescence leafless; sepals with a reddish triangle at base or a reddish brown to purplish brown midrib | 2 |
2 | Sepals with a reddish brown to purplish brown midrib; petals fused at base | Polycarpaea spirostylis |
| Sepals thickened and with a more or less reddish triangular patch at the base; petals free Back to 1 | Polycarpaea corymbosa |