Description: Shrubs or subshrubs with 1 to several slender stems arising from a woody rootstock.
Leaves mostly opposite, obscurely 1-foliolate, sessile or petiolate; stipules ovate, striate.
Flowers solitary or several together in axils, sessile or pedicellate, subtended by a series of brown, papery scales and bracts; bracteoles 2, at or near apex of pedicel, similar to scales but larger. Calyx pubescent, lower 3 teeth narrow and acute, upper 2 longer, broadly rounded, ± united towards base. Petals clawed; standard circular or reniform; wings oblong-ovate, shorter than standard; keel ± as long as wings. Stamens monodelphous, sheath split on upper side; anthers uniform, dorsifixed. Ovary sessile or stipitate.
Pod compressed, winged along upper suture; seeds several, with a hooded cap-like aril.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 5 species, endemic Australia. Australia: Qld, N.S.W., Vic., Tas.
Text by T. A. James; key revised by Peter Jobson Feb 2023 Taxon concept:
| Key to the species | |
1 | Leaves with rounded bases, never cordate | Platylobium parviflorum |
| Majority or all leaves with cordate bases | 2 |
2 | Calyx 8–12 mm long; bracteoles 3–4 mm long; inflorescence scales hairy all over | Platylobium formosum |
| Calyx 5–8 mm long; bracteoles 4–10 mm long; inflorescence scales with glabrous body and hairy margins Back to 1 | Platylobium montanum |