Description: Shrubs or small trees, rarely ± climbing; dioecious.
Leaves alternate, 3–5-veined from base, often tomentose below; stipules interpetiolar, shed very early.
Inflorescence axillary spikes, flowers in separated globose clusters. Male flowers usually 4- or 5-merous. Female perianth ovoid, toothed at apex; stigma exserted, hairy on 1 side.
Achene enclosed in slightly enlarged and fleshy perianth; achenes clustered at nodes to form a ± multiple fruit.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 40–50 species, Mascarene Is., Malesia, Australia & Polynesia. Australia: 1 species (native).
Text by G. J. Harden Taxon concept:
One species in NSW: Pipturus argenteus |