Description: Unarmed trees or shrubs, evergreen or deciduous.
Leaves alternate, simple, entire to toothed; stipules sometimes leaf-like.
Inflorescence a terminal, corymb or panicle, glabrous or hairy. Sepals 5, persistent. Petals 5, white. Stamens 16–25.
Fruit a pome, globose; carpels 3–5, fused to the receptacle.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 65 spp., Himalayas to Japan & Sumatra, N & C Amer. Aust.: 1 sp. (naturalized).
Photinia was formerly placed in the family Malaceae (now part of Rosaceae), e.g. Flora of New South Wales Vol. 1 (1990).
Text by G.J. Harden & A.N. Rodd Taxon concept: