Description: Small to big solitary or clustering palms; trunks covered with persistent leaf bases or rough diamond-shaped scars.
Leaves pinnate; bases not sheathing or forming a crownshaft; base of leaf stalk with marginal stout spine-like pinnae.
Inflorescence panicle-like, with numerous branches, originating amongst the leaves, spreading and drooping. Flowers unisexual with both sexes on the same plant.
Fruit a fleshy berry, containing 1–3 cylindrical seeds, each with a lateral furrow.
Distribution and occurrence:
Not native; species such as P. canariensis, P. roebelenii and P. sylvestris are frequently cultivated. Hybrids are common if two species are grown together.
Text by KL Wilson (Jan 2013) Taxon concept: D Jones and R Spencer (2005) Areceace in Hort. Flora of SE Australia vol. 5
Taxa not yet included in identification key
Phoenix canariensis,
Phoenix reclinata