Description: Terrestrial herbs, sympodial; roots few and inconspicuous, filamentous; tubers entirely encased in a multilayered tunic.
Leaves basal, 1 per shoot, convolute, glabrous or sparsely ciliate with patent trichomes.
Inflorescence racemose, 1–several-flowered, terminal; flowers resupinate. Dorsal sepal free, similar to lateral sepals. Lateral sepals free. Lateral petals free, similar to dorsal sepal. Labellum free, attached at base of column by a short claw; lamina scarcely 3-lobed, apically fringed with linear to narrow-triangular, glandular tipped calli, with many stalked calli in 4–6 longitudinal rows basally, spreading irregularly into more rows apically. Column lacking free filament and style; column wings fused to column, expansive in upper half, narrow. Column foot absent. Anther erect, parallel to the axis of the column, persistent. Pollinia 4, soft and mealy. Stigma entire. Rostellum ventral.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 1 species, Australia, all States except N.T. and Qld.
Text by P.H. Weston Taxon concept: Hopper & Brown (2004, Australian Systematic Botany 17: 171-240)
One species in NSW: Pheladenia deformis |