Description: Shrubs, unarmed.
Leaves alternate, imparipinnate, sparsely to densely pubescent.
Inflorescences axillary, short racemes; bracteate. Sepals 5, lanceolate, imbricate, somewhat unequal, scarcely united at base. Petals 5, nearly equal, ovate, shortly clawed, spreading. Fertile stamens 3, dehiscing by longitudinal slits; staminodes 2, small. Ovary ± sessile, 4–6-ovuled; style oblique, petaloid, with a broad incurved membranous wing on each side of the midrib; stigma terminal.
Pod erect, flat, ± oblong; seeds few, oblique, arillate.
Distribution and occurrence: World: Australia endemic. Australia: 2 or 3 species, endemic, widespread in arid Australia
Text by B. Wiecek Taxon concept: