Description: Shrubs or subshrubs.
Leaves alternate or rarely opposite, variously pinnatisect, occasionally entire or dentate on the apex.
Inflorescences solitary or corymbose, pedunculate, discoid. Involucre hemispherica. Involucral bracts in 3–4 rows, with pale or brown scarious margins Receptacle convex or hemispherical to conical. Corolla 5-lobed, tube generally swollen and with thick vascular strands.
Achenes narrow-obovoid with 5 ribs. Pappus of whitish scales, sometimes absent.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 27 species. Native to South Africa. Australia: 4 species naturalised in South Australia, Western Australia and New South Wales.
Text by Lawrence Mou Taxon concept: Bremer, K. (1994).
One species in NSW: Pentzia incana |