Description: Herbaceous or woody climbers with simple axillary tendrils.
Leaves simple and lamina palmately lobed or rarely unlobed [or leaves compound]; petiole at least half as long as lamina, commonly 2–4 raised glands present; stipules rarely persistent, mostly linear and small on native species, sometimes leafy or absent.
Flowers bisexual, axillary, mostly 1 or 2 together, sometimes more. Sepals and petals often highly and similarly coloured. Corona composed of outer appendages and mostly a flat or folded inner corona. Nectariferous disc often at the base of the androgynophore. Stamens mostly 5, on androgynophore, filaments free, at first erect, later usually reflexed; anthers versatile.
Fruit a berry.
Distribution and occurrence: World: c. 400 species, mainly America, some Asia, Australia, & Madagascar (1 species). Australia: 12 species (3 species native), all States except S.A.
*Passiflora coccinea Aubl. is known from one collection from an old garden north of Coffs Harbour (NC), it does not appear to be fully naturalized. It has rounded, crenate leaves that are densely pubescent on lower surface, 5–10 cm long and 4–6 cm wide. Flowers up to 8 cm diam. with reflexed deep red petals.
Text by G. J. Harden Taxon concept:
Taxa not yet included in identification key
Passiflora miniata,
Passiflora tarminiana
| Key to the species | |
1 | Leaves mostly deeply 5–lobed, rarely 3- or 7-lobed; glands 2–4, c. midway along petiole | 2 |
| Leaves usually 3-lobed, occasionally either unlobed or 5-lobed; glands usually towards apex of petiole, rarely absent, or occasionally c. midway along petiole | 3 |
2 | Margins of leaves not toothed; stipules 10–20 mm long, leafy; plants entirely glabrous | Passiflora caerulea |
| Margins of leaves toothed; stipules to 8 mm long, not leafy; stems, petioles and sometimes leaves hairy Back to 1 | Passiflora filamentosa |
3 | Stipules leafy, wide, 10–30 mm long, usually persistent | 4 |
| Stipules not leafy, usually narrow, less than 10 mm long, rarely persistent, or stipules absent Back to 1 | 5 |
4 | Plants glabrous; leaves with margins of lobes more or less entire; petiole with 1–3 filiform glands c. midway along petiole, each 0.5–2 mm long | Passiflora subpeltata |
| Young stems and leaves with scattered hairs; leaves with margins of lobes shallowly toothed; petiole with 2 thick, stalked glands towards apex, each 1.5–2 mm long Back to 3 | Passiflora morifolia |
5 | Glands absent from petiole | 6 |
| Glands present on petiole Back to 3 | 7 |
6 | Plant hairy, hairs simple and glandular, often golden-brown and bristly | Passiflora foetida |
| Plant glabrous Back to 5 | Passiflora cinnabarina |
7 | Margins of leaves regularly toothed | 8 |
| Margins of leaves not toothed Back to 5 | 10 |
8 | Plant glabrous | Passiflora edulis |
| Stems, petioles and at least one surface of the leaves hairy Back to 7 | 9 |
9 | Petiole with several small, inconspicuous glands | Passiflora mollissima |
| Petiole with 2 thick, stipitate glands, 1.5–2 mm long. Rarely naturalized in CC Back to 8 | Passiflora morifolia |
10 | Petioles with 2 raised glands near the middle | Passiflora suberosa |
| Petioles with 2 glands near the apex Back to 7 | 11 |
11 | Stems, petioles and lower surface of leaves finely hairy, sometimes sparsely so | Passiflora herbertiana |
| Plant glabrous Back to 10 | Passiflora aurantia |