Description: Perennials. Stems erect and branched.
Leaves cauline, opposite, with blades 3-nerved lanceolate to lance-linear, margins entire to toothed, upper surface sparsely scabrous.
Flower heads radiate, solitary. Involucres campanulate to hemisperheric, 10–15 mm diam. Involucre bracts persistent in 2–3 series. Receptacles hemispeheric. Ray florets pistillate, fertile, yellow. Disc florets bisexual, fertile, yellow, tubes shorter than campanulate throats, lobes 5.
Achenes 3-angled or more or less compressed and weakly 4-angled; pappus 0, or persistent of connate scales plus 0–2 awns.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 3 species native to South Amercia. Australia: 1 species naturalised, all mainland States.
Text by Louisa Murray Taxon concept: Based on Flora of North
One species in NSW: Pascalia glauca |