Description: Tufted, sprawling annuals; culms glabrous, branched.
Leaves with ligule short, membranous, densely ciliate; blade flat, lax.
Inflorescence of several short racemes on a primary axis, racemes narrow, at first erect, later spreading, finally reflexed, the branch ending in a bristle.
Spikelets solitary, few, towards the end of the rachis, subsessile, falling together with the inflorescence branch, the lowest spikelet subtended by a bristle; florets 2, the lower sterile, the upper bisexual. Glumes unequal, the lower c. 50% the length of the upper, few-nerved; the upper as long as the spikelet, many-nerved. Lemmas unequal, the lower similar to the upper glume; the upper slightly stiff or leathery, elliptic, inrolled, apex margins shortly ciliolate. Palea 1, subequal to the upper lemma.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 1 species, endemic Australia. Australia: 1 species, endemic.
Text by S. W. L. Jacobs & K. L. McClay Taxon concept: