Description: Shrubs.
Leaves alternate, terete, ±trigonous in section, with embedded dark sunken glands.
Inflorescence cymose, umbelliform, with pedunculate capitula. Heads white, ovoid; phyllaries membranous to cartilaginous, slightly hooded, lacking petaloid spreading tips, with undivided stereome; florets all bisexual, tubular. Paleae tough, hyaline, wrapping around and enclosing achene and base of corolla.
Pappus absent. Carpopodium well-developed. Achenes shed still enclosed in paleae.
Distribution and occurrence: SSE of Wollar, NSW.
Text by L. Murray Taxon concept: Orchard, A.E. (2005) Telopea 11(1)
One species in NSW: Paenula storyi |