Synonyms: Tweedia APNI*
Description: Subshrubs or herbs woody at base, sometimes weekly twining; pubescent; latex opaque, milky.
Leaves with glands at base of lamina.
Flowers in axillary and terminal open cymes. Calyx lobes narrow. Corolla rotate, deeply divided into narrow obtuse lobes. Staminal corona absent, petaline corona present, of 5 dark blue, narrow, erect, ribbed segments inserted near base of corolla tube and extending to just beyond throat; apex of each segment strongly recurved. Pollinia pendent, 2 per anther, translator arms horned. Style head conical, longer than anthers, apex 2-fid.
Follicles erect, slender; seeds with a coma.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 134 species, Tropical and subtropical America. Australia: 1 species (naturalized).
Text by G. J. Harden & J. B. Williams, edited by K.L. Gibbons, July 2019 Taxon concept:
One species in NSW: Oxypetalum coeruleum |