Description: Subshrub or perennial herb, variously hairy or glabrous, gland-tipped hairs and sessile glands present; branches many, ascending or erect.
Leaves ovate to rounded; margins entire or shortly toothed; apex obtuse to acuminate; ± sessile or petiolate.
Inflorescence terminal with flowers in dense or sometimes loose head- or spike-like clusters; bracts always distinct from leaves in shape and size. Calyx tubular or sometimes campanulate, 5 ± equal lobes, or 2- or 1-lipped. Corolla 2-lipped, 1.5–4 times as long as calyx. Stamens 4, fertile. Ovary 4-lobed; style gynobasic; stigma 2-fid.
Mericarps ovoid, not keeled.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 13 species, northern temperate regions. Australia: 1 species (doubtfully naturalized).
Text by B. J. Conn Taxon concept:
One species in NSW: Origanum vulgare |