Description: Herbs or small shrubs.
Leaves opposite, sometimes appearing bract- to scale-like, margins entire; the bases of opposite leaves joined by membrane-like interpetiolar stipules.
Inflorescences terminal, often appearing axillary, one- or 2–15-flowered variously reduced dichasial or modified botryoidal clusters (cymose). Flowers 5-merous, hypogynous, usually bisexual. Calyx deeply divided; lobes acute to tapering at apex, margin membranous. Corolla campanulate, white or yellow; corolla lobes longer than tube, imbricate in bud. Stamens inserted in or near sinuses between corolla lobes, exserted beyond corolla tube but included in corolla lobes. Stigma subglobose (capitate) or obloid.
Fruit a septicidal capsule, with two carpels almost completely separating; usually black, woody. Seeds many, ellipsoid, brown.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 13 species, endemic Australia: all mainland states; most species confined to WA.
Elevated to genus from Logania section Stomandra.
Text by K.L.Gibbons June 2019 Taxon concept: Foster et al., Telopea 16: 149–158, 2014.
| Key to the species | |
1 | Herb or procumbent undershrub to c. 15 cm high; leaves 6–12 (-14) mm long, 3–6 (-8) mm wide; flowers solitary | Orianthera pusilla |
| Erect shrub to c. 2 m high; leaves reduced to bract-like scales, less than 2 mm long; flowers in 1–4 (-5) flowered cymes | Orianthera nuda |