Description: Succulent herbs with flesy roots. Stems obtusely 4-angled, angles toothed.
Leaves rudimentary and falling early.
Flowers in congested cymes from base of stem. Corolla with a short tube, lobes valvate in bud. Gynostegial column of both stamenal and interstaminal parts present, stamens connate to gynostegium. Pollinaria with 2 ovate to subcircular pollinia.
Fruits a follicle, fusiform.
Distribution and occurrence: A genus of 60 species native to Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. One species naturalised in NSW, WA, SA and (doubtfully) Qld.
Text by Modified from Forster 1996 by K.L. Gibbons, Oct. 2019. Taxon concept: Forster, P.I. in (1996) Flora of Australia, vol. 28, p.283.
One species in NSW: Orbea variegata |