Description: Annual herbs.
Leaves alternate with variously pinnatisect leaves.
Inflorescences solitary or corymbose, pedunculate, radiate or discoid. Involucral bracts in 3–4 rows, with scarious margins. Receptacle flat to concave or conical to subglobose. Ray florets female, fertile, white. Disc corolla 4-lobed; with a very swollen and campanulate tube.
Achenes 4-ribbed with an entire or toothed rim. Pappus absent.
Distribution and occurrence: South Africa especially the Atlantic Coast, Lesotho, Namibia, 8 species. Australia 1 species naturalised in New South Wales on the north coast, South Australia, Western Australia.
Text by Lawrence Mou Taxon concept: Bremer, K. (1994)