Description: Erect shrubs with linear cystoliths.
Leaves petiolate, opposite pair connected by transverse ridge.
Inflorescence terminal, raceme-like, flowers in clusters. Bracts 2, small; bracteoles 2, similar to bracts. Calyx small, with 5 segments, free almost to base, more or less equal. Corolla red, scarcely 2-lipped, long tubular; lobes 5, short, more or less equal. Stamens 2, inserted near middle of corolla tube, included (in Australia); anthers 2-celled, cells parallel, inserted equally; staminodes 2. Ovary with 2 ovules per cell, style long; stigma capitate.
Capsule clavate, basal part lacking seeds; seed bearing hooks prominent. Seed 2 or 4, flat, glabrous.
Distribution and occurrence:
An Amercian shrub genus of c. 30 species occuring from Mexica to Brazil, a few species cultivated as ornamentals. Previously mis-identified as Odontonema tubaeforme.
Text by Louisa Murray Taxon concept: Barker, R. M. (1996), J. Adelaide Bot. Gard. 17, p 145.