Description: Caespitose or rhizomatous perennials with intra- or extravaginal innovations. Ligule a ciliate rim; blade folded in bud, flat or convolute.
Leaves with blade flat or convolute.
Inflorescence an open panicle. Spikelets with 2–7 bisexual florets, disarticulating above the glumes and between the florets. Glumes subequal, 3–7-nerved, longer than the florets, acute. Lemmas 9-nerved, bilobed, with short hairs more or less uniformly covering the back with an abrupt transition to a row of long, tufted hairs shorter to longer than the lemma lobes, awned from the sinus; lobes at least as long as the body of the lemma, the terminal setae shorter than the body of the lobe; central awn geniculate, the column shorter than the lobes, twisted and brown at maturity, bristle capillary, long; callus blunt, villous c. as long as the rachilla internode; palea longer than the lemma sinus, truncate to bilobed, glabrous or villous.
Distribution and occurrence: A genus of 5 species from Australia and New Zealand as currently recognised.
Formerly included in Danthonia.