Description: Small glabrous annuals.
Leaves all basal, linear to filiform, entire.
Flowers solitary, actinomorphic, bisexual. Sepals 5 or rarely more, pale yellow, with a basal spur. Petals 0–7, inconspicuous, linear, with a tubular claw. Stamens 5–10. Carpels numerous.
Achenes 20 to very numerous, with an appressed or spreading beak, spirally arranged on a slender receptacle forming a densely packed 'spike'.
Distribution and occurrence: World: c. 15 species, northern & southern temperate regions. Australia: 1 species endemic.
Text by B. G. Briggs & R. O. Makinson 1990; Edited by B. Wiecek Dec 2008 Taxon concept:
One species in NSW: Myosurus australis |