Common Name: Musk Weed
Description: Annual herbs, glabrous.
Leaves elongate, lobed, toothed or entire.
Sepals erect, 1 opposite pair saccate; petals spathulate, not clawed, stamens 6. Nectariferous glands connate into a ring outside the base of the filaments. Style short, stigma slightly capitate.
Fruit indehiscent, appressed, less than 3 times as long as broad, only slightly compressed. Seeds 1, rarely 2. Radicle incumbent.
Flowering: Flowers spring.
Distribution and occurrence: 1 species of Mediterranean, mid-European to W Asian distribution, now established in Australia.
Text by B.M. Wiecek Taxon concept: Flora of Victoria Vol. 3, 1996:429 and Flora of Australia Vol 8, 1982:297-8.
One species in NSW: Myagrum perfoliatum |