Genus Monotoca | Family Ericaceae Subfamily Epacridoideae |
Description: Compact shrubs or small trees with branchlets scabrous to finely bristly.
Leaves oblong-linear, elliptic-oblong or ovate to ± circular, discolorous and often glaucous on lower surface, with fine striate venation and with a callous or mucronate tip; usually distinctly petiolate.
Flowers bisexual or unisexual, usually in few-flowered axillary spikes, rarely terminal and racemose, each flower subtended by a caducous or persistent bract and 2 bracteoles. Sepals 4 or 5, ovate-oblong, ciliate. Corolla tube campanulate, glabrous; lobes triangular, valvate in bud, erect to spreading in flower, glabrous or papillose. Stamens with filaments short, terete, inserted at the top of corolla tube; anthers enclosed or half-exserted. Nectary annular or in scales. Ovary 1- or 2-locular with 1 ovule per loculus; style short; stigma small, lobed.
Fruit a small, somewhat fleshy drupe.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 11 species, endemic Australia. Australia: all States except N.T.
Text by J. M. Powell, except for groups with contributors listed Taxon concept:
| Key to the species | |
1 | Bushy shrub or small tree; flowers many, in racemes crowded at end of branches and longer than the leaves, rarely solitary; bracts caducous; leaves broad-elliptic or obovate | Monotoca elliptica |
| Compact low shrubs; flowers solitary or in few-flowered spikes shorter than the leaves; bracts usually persistent; leaves oblong, ovate to rotund or narrow-elliptic | 2 |
2 | Leaves with aristate tip; petiole yellow-green, scabrous; flowers in clusters of 2–5 | Monotoca scoparia |
| Leaves with callous tip; petiole pink or red, glabrous; flowers solitary or two together Back to 1 | 3 |
3 | Erect shrub more than 30 cm high; leaves narrow-oblong or narrow-elliptic; corolla tube 0.5–0.8 mm long; ovary oblong-cylindrical | Monotoca ledifolia |
| Prostrate or ascending shrub to 30 cm high; leaves broad-ovate or oblong or more or less circular (particularly early seasonal growth); corolla tube 1–1.3 mm long; ovary depressed-globose Back to 2 | Monotoca rotundifolia |