Description: Robust perennials.
Leaves with ligule a short ciliate rim.
Inflorescence a large panicle; racemes subdigitate or with an elongated common axis, ± sessile, bearing many spikelets; rachis continuous, persistent, tough. Rachis and pedicels glabrous.
Spikelets paired, unequally pedicellate, similar, bisexual, slightly dorsiventrally compressed, tardily separating from the pedicel. Florets 2, the lower reduced and sterile, the upper bisexual. Callus short, obtuse, with long hairs. Lower glume 2–4-nerved, upper 1–5-nerved. Lemmas 2, hyaline; lower lemma sterile; upper lemma smaller than the lower with a 2-lobed apex and an awn or rarely the lemma entire and without an awn or pointed tip. Lodicules cuneate, glabrous. Stamens 2 or 3.
Distribution and occurrence: World: c. 20 species, mainly South-East Asia. Australia: 1 species (naturalized).
Text by S. W. L. Jacobs & C. A. Wall Taxon concept:
One species in NSW: Miscanthus sinensis |