Description: Annual to perennial herbs, often with fleshy taproots.
Leaves all basal, erect, thin, flat, entire to pinnatifid.
Heads solitary on erect scapes, cylindric; involucral bracts 4- or 5-seriate, unequal, herbaceous with membranous margins; receptacle flat, naked, pitted. All florets ligulate, bisexual, fertile, linear; corolla yellow, tube narrow-cylindric and pubescent above. Anthers sagittate at base, with small rounded apical appendages. Style branches short, ± rounded, obtuse, papillose.
Achenes terete, ribbed; pappus in 1 row, of free scales tapering to a barbed bristle.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 14 species, North & South America, Australia. Australia: 1 species (endemic).
Text by L. Murray Taxon concept: