Description: Shrubs or trees.
Leaves opposite, usually 3-nerved.
Inflorescences terminal, paniculate, flowers 4–5(-9)-merous; hypanthium usually terete, calyx regularly lobed, persistent in fruit; petals white, pink, or yellow, small, rounded or retuse at apex; stamens isomorphic or anisomorphic, connective simple or with appendages, sometimes prolonged, anthers opening by 1, 2, or 4 terminal pores; ovary partly to completely inferior, 2–8-locular.
Fruit a berry. Seeds small and numerous, pyramidal or ovoid.
Distribution and occurrence: Native to Mexico to South America c. 1,000 species, 1 species in west Africa. 1 species naturalised in Australia, Queensland and NSW.
Text by Louisa Murray Taxon concept: Flora of the Hawiian Islands:
One species in NSW: Miconia calvescens |