Description: Climbers with milky latex.
Leaves opposite or whorled.
Inflorescence a raceme. Calyx lobes narrow, acute, with small glands inside at the base. Corolla funnel-shaped, lobes broad, asymmetric, nearly as long as the tube, contorted in bud. Stamens enclosed in tube; filaments short, curved, bearded inside; anthers fertile only in upper half, connivent around the style head and adherent to it. Carpels distinct but the style single; style head 5-lobed, with a narrow 2-fid tip. Nectariferous disc present, of short, broad, basally-fused segments.
Follicles 2, slender, curved and cohering at the tips; seeds with a coma.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 114 species, southern & C America. Australia: 1 species (naturalized).
Text by G. J. Harden & J. B. Williams Taxon concept:
One species in NSW: Mandevilla laxa |