Description: Erect or spreading annuals or short-lived perennials with hairy branches.
Leaves alternate, sessile, linear, appressed or spreading, hairy.
Flowers solitary or paired, axillary, bisexual or female. Perianth segments 5, hairy. Stamens 5. Styles 2 or 3.
Fruiting perianth with 3–5 tepaline appendages; appendages flattened or filiform, not hardened, hairy, 3 usually larger than the remainder (if any). Seed horizontal, perisperm abundant.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 4 species, endemic Australia. Australia: all mainland States.
Text by S. W. L. Jacobs Taxon concept:
| Key to the species | |
1 | Flowers paired in leaf axils; appendages linear, 2.5–4.5 mm long, filiform | Malacocera albolanata |
| Flowers solitary in axils; appendages semiterete, 3.5–6.0 mm long | Malacocera tricornis |